Please send any building material to school (see post from Wednesday).
Home reading will be due on Monday December 9, 2019 as I was absent on Monday.
We said "goodbye" to our student teacher, Ms. Bishnoi. She will go onto another practicum soon at a different school. We wish her good luck!
Strategies students learned this week were decomposing and regrouping. Students used a variety of strategies to solve 2 digit numbers problems, including visuals and the use of base 10 blocks to represent their understanding.

This week we started using Google Slides to create slides for our Inquiry. Students made jot notes and began researching additional information using websites and a new reading program called "Epic." Epic can only be accessed from school and students are welcome to continue researching at home. However, I would like students to only work on their slides at school.

Language Arts
To complete our descriptive writing unit, students are in the beginning stages of our final project on the Taj Mahal. We brainstormed sentence starters and adjectives related to the 5 senses and the Taj Mahal.
We had a fun pizza and pajama day. December 6 is a PD day.