Home Reading is due Monday
Our inquiry Celebration of Learning is on Tuesday, December 17 at 1:30pm in our classroom.
Monday, Dec 16- Red/ Green Day (wear red and green)
Tuesday, Dec 17- Sock Hop Day (wear fancy socks/ dance party in gym)
Wednesday, Dec 18- Festive Wear Day (winter sweaters, etc)
Thursday, Dec 19- PJ/ Stuffy Day
-students reviewed increasing and decreasing patterns
-students reviewed 2 digit addition with regrouping and moved onto 3 digit regrouping using a variety of strategies
-students explored 2D and 3D shapes and described them based on vertices, edges and faces
-we will continue to explore 3 digit addition strategies using base 10 blocks next week as well as mental math strategies to solve larger addition problems

-students completed their Global Citizen Google slides
-students added pictures, bullet points and sentences, captions, etc.
-students will begin building once again next week
Language Arts
-students typed out their good copies of their Taj Mahal writing and will be working on their art piece next week
Enjoy the weekend!
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