Thursday, December 19, 2019

Last week before Winter Break!

There is no homework over the break aside from reading and practicing math facts whenever there is time. Students can continue to go onto Raz Kids and Typing Club at home.

There is no school Friday, December 20th and school starts on Tuesday, January 7, 2020. Monday, January 6 is a PD for teachers.

Thank you to all the parents, guardians and siblings who made it to our Celebration of Learning! It was amazing to see students explain their inquiry work to others!

We spent the week reviewing addition and worked on word problems.

Ms. Leggo is putting up her Christmas Tree. Some of her ornaments are red, some are green and some are blue. How many of each colour could she have if she has 78 ornaments altogether? 

Mrs. Samra has 3 trees. She has 30 ornaments altogether. How many ornaments could be on each tree? How many different combinations can you find?

There are 345 lights on a Christmas tree. 49 more lights were added. How many lights are there altogether?

Language Arts

Students wrote a persuasive argument about working for Santa and his reindeer. Ask your child what job he/she “applied” for.

Students used a different material (tissue paper) to create a winter scene.

Have a safe and wonderful break! Thank you for all the yummy treats!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Movie Time!

Students have earned a movie afternoon tomorrow. They will be watching a movie related to our class read aloud. Students can bring treats to eat during the movie but will not be allowed to share their food due to allergy concerns.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Week of December 9-13

CELEBRATION OF LEARNING IS ON TUESDAY FROM 1:30PM-2:30PM IN OUR CLASSROOM. ***Students are excited to show their Google Slides, art, writing, math and building structures. Students are welcome to dress in traditional outfits for their presentation if they would like.

Monday, Dec 16- Red/ Green Day (wear red and green)
Tuesday, Dec 17- Sock Hop Day (wear fancy socks/ dance party in gym)
Wednesday, Dec 18- Festive Wear Day (winter sweaters, etc)
Thursday, Dec 19- PJ/ Stuffy Day
Friday, Dec 20- NO SCHOOL

There will not be anymore home reading until January! 

We had a guest speaker...Constable Jeff come into the classroom to teach students regarding the program "Start Smart and Stay Safe: Bounce."

ME                             +                        HELP                                         =        BOUNCE          
RESPECTFUL                                                                 POLICE OFFICERS                                                        SUCCESSFUL
HELPFUL                                                                        TEACHER
RESPONSIBLE                                                               PRINCIPAL
INDEPENDENT                                                             FAMILY
GRATEFUL                                                                      EMS
NICE                                                                                  SIBLING

Students continued to describe 2D and 3D shapes according to their attributes - edges, sides, vertices. Some math vocabulary students are using in addition to the attributes include: polygons, regular and irregular shapes.
Using geoboards, dot paper and art, students reinforced their learning of polygons.

This week completed their Inquiry activities by building their structures related to quality of life of children in India. They are excited to show their final product at the Celebration of Learning!

Students have been assessing their work using rubrics. They assessed: Google Slides, Taj Mahal writing and their structures.

Language Arts:
This week students read articles on India's climate, national symbols and flag. Students compared the climate of India to the climate of Canada. Using Google Docs, students finished typing and printed out their Taj Mahal writing to accompany their art work. 

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Week of December 2-6

Home Reading is due Monday
Our inquiry Celebration of Learning is on Tuesday, December 17 at 1:30pm in our classroom.
Monday, Dec 16- Red/ Green Day (wear red and green)
Tuesday, Dec 17- Sock Hop Day (wear fancy socks/ dance party in gym)
Wednesday, Dec 18- Festive Wear Day (winter sweaters, etc)
Thursday, Dec 19- PJ/ Stuffy Day


-students reviewed increasing and decreasing patterns 
-students reviewed 2 digit addition with regrouping and moved onto 3 digit regrouping using a variety of strategies
-students explored 2D and 3D shapes and described them based on vertices, edges and faces

-we will continue to explore 3 digit addition strategies using base 10 blocks next week as well as mental math strategies to solve larger addition problems

-students completed their Global Citizen Google slides
-students added pictures, bullet points and sentences, captions, etc.
-students will begin building once again next week

Language Arts
-students typed out their good copies of their Taj Mahal writing and will be working on their art piece next week

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Home Reading

Good Morning,

I was absent on Monday and did not send the home reading books until yesterday. Since I handed the books out late, I will be collecting notebooks on Monday, December 9, 2019.

Sorry for the confusion!
G. Samra

Teacher Parade

Hi, Parade   We will have our year end teacher parade on  Friday June 26 th  at  11:00 am . Families and students are come out and w...