There is no school tomorrow, Friday, or Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!
Thank you for the Valentine's Day gifts! Happy Valentine's Day to those who are celebrating!
February 19 is the 100 day of school celebration! Students are invited to wear a brightly coloured shirt.
Language Arts:
This week we focused on editing our work for content, organization, words, sentences and conventions. AMA how I marked my work this week.
We finally finished typing out our good copies of our "Right of A Child" activity and can't wait to show them to our family members during conferences.
We began our inquiry - rocks and minerals. We brainstormed what we know and want to learn about them.
Social Studies/Writing:
We continued to discuss global citizens around the world. In addition to learning about Malala, we also learned about Iqbal, Ryan H (water project), Craig Kielburger (We Day), Hannah (Ladybug project), Anne Frank and Greta Van Thunberg. AMA about how these children made and are continuing to make a difference in the world.
Students completed their subtraction assessment and moved onto multiplication! We learned how to demonstrate our learning through counters (grouping), repeated addition, picture and equation (schema). See the pictures below for more information.

Enjoy the long weekend!
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