Friday, February 28, 2020

February 24-28

1. Our grade 3 concert is next Thursday, March 5th. There is a daytime dress rehearsal that parents are welcome to attend and that is at 1pm while the evening performance is at 6:30pm. Students need to start arriving in the evening at 6pm.

2. We will be having a multiplication and division assessment next week. Please review what has been covered so far. 

2. Home Reading has been sent back and is due next Friday!

Language Arts:
We introduced a word game a couple of weeks ago. AMA how to play it.

This week we continued our work on division. We used number lines to help us understand how we can make equal groups. Students also learned how to explain their work using repeated subtraction, counters, skip counting, magic triangle (to relate to multiplication), equal groups, arrays and schema. We created our own breaded number lines so that we have a classroom set to use as needed. Here are some pictures below to demonstrate our learning:

In our study of rocks and minerals, we learned about the Earth's crust. AMA the different layers of the Earth. Here are some pictures of a project we completed:

Social Studies:
We learned about students' rights and continued to explore the activism of Greta Thunberg.

Students are excited to show off their singing, dancing, speaking and "boom whacking" skills. Here are some pictures of art work we worked on to decorate the gym.

Pink Shirt Day:
Students came in full support of building friendships. Here are some pictures of the activities students completed in class:

Friday, February 21, 2020

February 19-22

Home Reading is due next Friday February 28, 2020
Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day

Students at Saddle Ridge School are taking part in Jump Rope for Heart in the next couple of weeks! Ask us about the assembly we had on Tuesday! Students will participate in skipping activities in the gym, while also learning about keeping their heart healthy. Students have been given an envelope if they would like to collect donations, as well as online donations are accepted ( - JOIN YOUR SCHOOL- type in SADDLE RIDGE SCHOOL). Students who collect donations can earn prizes, as well as helping the physical education department at the school. All forms and money are due back on March 13.

Language Arts:
Students used rubrics to assess their persuasive writing step by step. AMA how I felt about my final copy of my "Rights of a Child" paragraph. During class, students explored Epic books and learned about rocks and minerals.

Students learned about the 3 different types of rocks - sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. AMA the difference between these types of rocks. AMA facts I learned about rocks and minerals.
We also learned how rocks are used in everyday life.

Fine Arts:
Our concert is fast approaching and students have been working on their roles and responsibilities. We are excited to show our talents with a dress rehearsal and evening performance on March 5th. Please continue to practice our songs at home (see earlier posts).

Students wrapped up multiplication by learning how to multiply using number lines. We moved onto division using number lines.

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 10-12

There is no school tomorrow, Friday, or Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!
Thank you for the Valentine's Day gifts! Happy Valentine's Day to those who are celebrating!
February 19 is the 100 day of school celebration! Students are invited to wear a brightly coloured shirt.

Language Arts:
This week we focused on editing our work for content, organization, words, sentences and conventions. AMA how I marked my work this week.
We finally finished typing out our good copies of our "Right of A Child" activity and can't wait to show them to our family members during conferences.

We began our inquiry - rocks and minerals. We brainstormed what we know and want to learn about them.

Social Studies/Writing:
We continued to discuss global citizens around the world. In addition to learning about Malala, we also learned about Iqbal, Ryan H (water project), Craig Kielburger (We Day), Hannah (Ladybug project), Anne Frank and Greta Van Thunberg. AMA about how these children made and are continuing to make a difference in the world.

Students completed their subtraction assessment and moved onto multiplication! We learned how to demonstrate our learning through counters (grouping), repeated addition, picture and equation (schema). See the pictures below for more information.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, February 7, 2020

February 3-7


Students are welcome to bring a Valentine for every child in the classroom. Here are the names of the 24 children in the class: Abdullah, Hibbah, Taimoor, Jasmine, Bobbi-Ann, Ekam, Dilraj, Ishaan, Sonit, Reet, Parry, Waniya, Abi, Jodha, Gurnoor, Jaskaran, Steven, Zeina, Jotsaroop, Arsalan, Adian, Simrit, Avneet, Manjot

There is no school February, 13, 14, and 17.

Please practice learning the words to "Try Everything"
This next link is for our feature performance. Students all have different roles and can practice their parts at home:

Our concert is on March 3, 2020.

Please practice Prodigy math at home if there is time.

Due to the short weeks, there will not be any home reading for 2 weeks. I will hand it back out on February 21. I will continue to check student progress on Raz Kids and Prodigy.


Students completed their plasticine artwork related to their favourite right of a child writing. They learned about the different techniques used by Barbara Reid during our artist study. We discussed Viola Desmond and how she made a difference for Canadians. AMA where we can find her picture. In learning about child activists who made a difference, we explored Iqbal, Malala, Ryan and Hannah. AMA who these children are/were and how their story made a difference in the world.


AMA my mental math strategy for subtraction (compensation). How do I think I did on the subtraction assessment check?
Language Arts:

We continued to use our editing skills when writing and typing our persuasive writing paragraphs. AMA how I used a rubric to enhance my writing.

Stay warm!

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Here are a couple of reminders for tomorrow:
1. Home Reading is due tomorrow.
2. Scholastic Book orders are due tomorrow.
3. We will have a quick subtraction check assessment tomorrow. We have practice at school today and it would be helpful for students to review at home.

Subtraction Check

Tomorrow we will be doing a short and quick subtraction assessment check. Please review strategies that are on this blog. It is a check to see how students are understanding the strategies they have learned so far.

Teacher Parade

Hi, Parade   We will have our year end teacher parade on  Friday June 26 th  at  11:00 am . Families and students are come out and w...