1. Our grade 3 concert is next Thursday, March 5th. There is a daytime dress rehearsal that parents are welcome to attend and that is at 1pm while the evening performance is at 6:30pm. Students need to start arriving in the evening at 6pm.2. We will be having a multiplication and division assessment next week. Please review what has been covered so far.
2. Home Reading has been sent back and is due next Friday!
Language Arts:
We introduced a word game a couple of weeks ago. AMA how to play it.

This week we continued our work on division. We used number lines to help us understand how we can make equal groups. Students also learned how to explain their work using repeated subtraction, counters, skip counting, magic triangle (to relate to multiplication), equal groups, arrays and schema. We created our own breaded number lines so that we have a classroom set to use as needed. Here are some pictures below to demonstrate our learning:

In our study of rocks and minerals, we learned about the Earth's crust. AMA the different layers of the Earth. Here are some pictures of a project we completed:

Social Studies:
We learned about students' rights and continued to explore the activism of Greta Thunberg.
Students are excited to show off their singing, dancing, speaking and "boom whacking" skills. Here are some pictures of art work we worked on to decorate the gym.
Pink Shirt Day:
Students came in full support of building friendships. Here are some pictures of the activities students completed in class: