Field Trip forms and money are due as soon as possible!Only 5 students brought back home writing (it was due today). Please make sure students bring it in on Monday!Monday September 30, 2019 is ORANGE SHIRT DAY. AMA (ask me about) why we are wearing orange. If you do not have an orange shirt, consider any accessory that is orange (headband, bracelet, etc).
What an amazing day for the Terry Fox Run! Students ran in support of Terry Fox's legacy and foundation. Thank you to all those who donated to our "Toonies for Terry" program.
Here are the activities we were busy doing this week:
-students explored how sound travels in different objects
-students explored how we can muffle sound using cloth, wool, etc.
-AMA (ask me about) how we can protect our ears from damage
-AMA how sound that can damage our ears
Language Arts
-students continued to focus on spelling and sentence structure
-students are using checklists to assess their writing
-AMA the checklist and different components of it
-we focused on writing pieces and using adjectives to describe Terry Fox (perseverance, brave, strong, courage, etc.)
-students continued to explore numbers to 1000
-in small groups, students created a class number chart to 1000
-students explore different patterns in the chart (starting at different points and skip counting patterns)
-AMA our daily Number of the Day activities
We taught our buddies how to use iPads to login to their Raz Kids accounts. Some of us helped our buddies read the words of the book.

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