April 27 – May 4, 2020
Good Morning Parents and Students,
This week we had 21 students join us for our Google Meet! That’s incredible! Please let me know if you are celebrating Ramadan and need more time to complete assignments.
The following tasks are to be completed by Monday, May 4th. You can do them in any order that you would like. The approximate time to complete your assignments are listed to help you plan your week. If you did not finish last week’s work, I will leave up the assignment for you to finish.
Integrated Language Arts/Science
Time- 3 hours
Journal Entry
(60 min)
· Read the assigned books in Epic! and complete the quizzes
(30 min)
· Animal Habitats and Adaptations Google Slides lessons
· Animal Habitats and Adaptations Google Doc Activity
(90 min)
Time 2 hours
· Number Line Fractions Activities (2 short videos and activity)
(60 min)
· Fractions Word Problems in Google Form
(60 min)
Completion Checklist (April 27-May 4)
Use this checklist to ensure that you have submitted all your assignments to your teacher this week
Literacy- Journal Entry
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Literacy- Epic Books and Quizzes
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Science – Animal Habitats and Adaptations Google Slides Lesson
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Science – Animal Habitats and Adaptations Activity in Google Docs
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Math- Number Line Fractions Activity
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Math- Fraction Word Problems in Google Form
Google Meet Schedule
1. Monday’s 1:00pm – 2:00pm = office hours for students (if they need help)
2. Wednesday’s 1:00pm – 2:00pm = ENTIRE class meeting
3. Friday’s 11:30am – 12:30pm = office hours for students (if they need help)
Mrs. Samra’s Work Day Hours
1. Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 2:30pm
2. Friday’s – 8:00am – 12:30pm (Teacher Meetings for the rest of the day)